Cannabis in Thailand: What You Need to Know

The world of cannabis in Thailand is ever-evolving. With the passing of new laws and regulations throughout 2022/23, it has been decriminalised for both medical and recreational use. This means that dispensaries and shops selling cannabis products are popping up all over the country. Whether you’re looking to explore the potential health benefits or simply take part in a unique form of tourism, this guide will provide an overview on everything related to cannabis in Thailand; from safety tips to where to buy your product – get ready for a deep dive into this exciting new industry.

Laws and Regulations

Cannabis In Thailand

In 2023, Thailand passed a law decriminalising cannabis for recreational use. The legal age to purchase and consume cannabis is 18 years old. Individuals are allowed to possess up to 10 grams of dried flower or 1 gram of concentrate per person at any given time. It is illegal to cultivate your own plants without a licence from the government, however it is legal for medical patients with valid documentation from their doctor or healthcare provider.

The sale and consumption of cannabis products must take place in designated areas only; this includes cafes, lounges, bars and other licensed venues where smoking is permitted. Consumption in public places such as parks or on the street remains prohibited under Thai law. Cannabis-infused edibles are also illegal in Thailand but can be purchased through certain dispensaries with a valid prescription from a doctor or healthcare provider.

It is important to note that while possession has been decriminalised, trafficking still carries severe penalties including fines and jail time depending on the amount being trafficked as well as whether it was done within Thailand’s borders or across international lines. Additionally, driving under the influence of cannabis remains strictly prohibited by law enforcement officers who have the right to administer drug tests if they suspect impairment due to drugs or alcohol consumption while operating a vehicle.

It is important to be aware of the laws and regulations regarding cannabis in Thailand, as they vary from region to region. To learn more about where you can purchase cannabis, read on for information about dispensaries and shops.

Dispensaries and Shops

Cannabis In Thailand

Since the decriminalisation of cannabis in Thailand, dispensaries and shops have been popping up all over the country. These establishments offer a variety of products such as edibles, oils, tinctures, and topicals. Many also provide medical marijuana cards to those who qualify for them.

When it comes to purchasing cannabis from these stores, there are several options available. Customers can either purchase their product online or visit one of the many physical locations throughout Thailand. Online purchases are typically more convenient since they allow customers to shop without having to leave their homes. However, some dispensaries may require customers to show proof of age before allowing them access into their store or website.

In terms of what types of products are available at these dispensaries and shops, there is something for everyone’s needs and preferences. From traditional flower buds to pre-rolled joints and vape cartridges filled with THC oil – you can find just about anything your heart desires when it comes to cannabis products in Thailand.

The prices vary depending on where you buy your product from but generally speaking most items will range anywhere between $10-$50 USD per gram (or milliliter). It is important that consumers do research beforehand so they know exactly what type of product they want before making any purchases. Additionally, make sure that you check out reviews online prior to buying anything so that you know what kind of quality you’re getting for your money.

From dispensaries and shops, cannabis tourists can now explore the next level of their journey – cannabis tourism.

Cannabis Tourism

Cannabis In Thailand

Cannabis tourism has become a popular activity in Thailand since the decriminalisation of cannabis. With its warm climate, beautiful beaches and vibrant culture, it’s no surprise that tourists are flocking to this Southeast Asian nation for an unforgettable experience.

Local companies have started offering cannabis tours to help visitors explore the country while enjoying their favourite herb. These tours typically include visits to local dispensaries and shops where you can purchase your own cannabis products or learn more about them from knowledgeable staff members. You may also be able to take part in educational activities such as cooking classes or workshops on growing techniques.

When travelling with cannabis, it is important to remember that possession is still illegal in Thailand so make sure you keep your stash hidden away at all times when out and about. It is also advisable not to consume any form of marijuana while in public places as this could lead to legal repercussions.

If you want a more immersive experience, there are several resorts located around the country which offer guests access to private smoking areas where they can enjoy their weed without fear of breaking any laws or being judged by others. Many of these resorts even provide complimentary rolling papers and lighters so you don’t have worry about bringing your own supplies.

In addition to providing recreational experiences, many people visit Thailand for its health benefits associated with using medical marijuana products such as CBD oil or tinctures made from locally grown hemp plants. There are numerous clinics throughout the country which specialize in treating various conditions with natural remedies derived from medicinal herbs like Cannabis sativa L., making it easy for visitors who wish to explore alternative treatments during their stay here.

Cannabis tourism in Thailand is an increasingly popular trend, and with the potential health benefits of cannabis use, it’s worth exploring further. Let’s take a look at the possible health benefits of cannabis in Thailand.

Health Benefits

Cannabis In Thailand

Pain Relief

Cannabis has been used for centuries to help manage pain. It contains compounds called cannabinoids that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating many of our bodily functions. Research suggests that cannabis can reduce inflammation and relieve chronic pain associated with conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. For tourists visiting Thailand who may be suffering from chronic pain due to an existing condition or injury sustained during their travels, cannabis could provide a natural alternative to traditional medications like opioids.

Stress Reduction

Stress is a common problem among travelers, especially those on long trips or in unfamiliar environments. Cannabis has been found to have anti-anxiety effects that can help people relax and de-stress after a long day of sightseeing or exploring new places. The plant also contains compounds known as terpenes which are believed to contribute to its calming properties. Tourists looking for relief from stress while traveling in Thailand may find cannabis helpful in reducing anxiety levels and promoting relaxation without the side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs like benzodiazepines.

Improved Sleep Quality

Traveling can often disrupt sleep patterns due to jet lag, changes in environment, and other factors related to being away from home. Cannabis may be beneficial for improving sleep quality by helping people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer than they would otherwise without it. Additionally, research suggests that using cannabis before bedtime can improve REM sleep cycles which are important for restoring energy levels after a busy day of activities abroad in Thailand.

The health benefits of cannabis in Thailand are undeniable, but it is important to take the necessary precautions and follow safety tips when using this substance.

Safety Tips

Cannabis In Thailand

Cannabis Laws in Thailand

Thailand has a strict stance on cannabis and its use. Possession, sale, trafficking, and cultivation of cannabis are illegal under Thai law. Penalties for these offenses can range from hefty fines to long prison sentences. It is important to be aware of the local laws before using any type of drug while traveling in Thailand.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence (DUI) is strictly prohibited in Thailand and carries serious penalties if caught by police officers or other authorities. Tourists should avoid driving after consuming any amount of alcohol or drugs as it could lead to arrest and possible jail time. If you must drive after consuming drugs or alcohol, make sure that you have a designated driver who will not consume anything before getting behind the wheel.

Purchasing From Unlicensed Vendors

It is important to purchase cannabis only from licensed vendors when available as unlicensed vendors may be selling low-quality products that contain dangerous additives such as pesticides or mold spores which can cause health problems if consumed. Additionally, buying from an unlicensed vendor increases your risk of being arrested for possession since there is no way to prove where you got it from if stopped by police officers or other authorities during random searches on public transportation vehicles or at tourist attractions like beaches and parks.

Discretion Is Key


Cannabis in Thailand is now legal and widely available, making it an exciting destination for cannabis tourism. With the new laws and regulations, dispensaries and shops opening up all over the country, as well as its many health benefits, there are plenty of reasons to explore this newly opened market. However, safety should always be a priority when travelling with cannabis in Thailand so make sure you research local laws before travelling and keep your products secure at all times.

With the rise of cannabis use in Thailand, it is important to make sure that holidaymakers are well informed about laws and regulations surrounding its consumption. We invite travelers to explore our guide for a safe and enjoyable trip – providing helpful information on activities, accommodation, as well as advice on staying within the boundaries of Thai law when using cannabis. Join us today in promoting responsible tourism through education and understanding!

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There is a whole universe of special deals, offers and travel advice online. We recommend the following websites and resources to help in planning your perfect trip to Thailand.

For Flights:

  • Skyscanner is always our starting point when searching for domestic and international flights. See all the options in one place with easy options to book.

For Hotels:

  • is the most popular booking site for both tourists and locals here in Thailand. You can typically find the best deals here and accommodation is often much cheaper than the walk-in rate.
  • Agoda is another hugely popular option for finding accommodation in Thailand.

For Things to Do:

  • GetYourGuide has a wide range of activities, adventures and trips available for instant booking.

For Buses, Boats and Other Transfers:

  • 12Go is invaluable and gives up-to-date information on timetables and transfers, especially useful when travelling to the islands.

For Travel Insurance:

  • World Nomads is a long-trusted, very popular option.
  • Safety Wing is a popular choice for longer-term digital nomads with a very simple subscription model.
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