Five Famous Buddhist Temples in Thailand

Thailand is a country full of beautiful temples, and if you’re looking for the perfect place to explore them then this blog post will be just what you need. From Wat Phra Kaew to Doi Suthep, we cover five incredible temples in Thailand that are worth visiting during your holiday. These majestic places of worship offer insight into Thai culture and history as well as breathtaking views – all without having to leave the comfort of your home! So come join us on our journey through some of the most amazing temples in Thailand – from awe-inspiring architecture at Wat Arun to unique designs at Wat Rong Khun, each temple offers something special for visitors.

1. Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok

Temples In Thailand

Wat Phra Kaew is the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand and is located in Bangkok. It houses the Emerald Buddha, a revered statue of Lord Buddha that dates back to the 14th century. The temple complex features beautiful architecture, intricate sculptures and colorful murals that make it a popular tourist attraction.

The entrance to Wat Phra Kaew is guarded by two mythical giants called ‘Yaksa’ which are believed to protect the Emerald Buddha from any harm or danger. Inside the complex, there are several buildings with different purposes such as an ordination hall, library, sermon hall and many more. The main structure of Wat Phra Kaew is known as Prasat Phra Thep Bidon which was built in 1782 by King Rama I for housing the Emerald Buddha statue.

The walls of this building are decorated with colorful murals depicting scenes from Hindu epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata along with stories about Buddhism and its teachings. In addition to these paintings, there are also various statues made out of bronze or marble representing characters from these epics as well as figures related to Thai history such as kings and warriors who have played important roles in shaping Thailand’s culture over centuries.

One of the highlights at Wat Phra Kaew is undoubtedly its collection of jewelry pieces worn by past monarchs during their coronation ceremonies including crowns adorned with precious stones like rubies, sapphires and diamonds among others. These jewels can be seen on display inside one room while visitors can also admire other artifacts such as ancient weapons used during wars fought between Siam (now Thailand) against Burma (Myanmar).

Apart from being a religious site where people come for worshiping purposes, Wat Phra Kaew has become an iconic symbol for Bangkok city due to its grandeur architecture making it one of the must-visit places when visiting Thailand.

Wat Phra Kaew is a magnificent temple that showcases the beauty of Thai culture and architecture, making it an essential stop for any traveler in Thailand. Next up is Wat Arun, another stunning temple located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River.

2. Wat Arun, Bangkok

Temples In Thailand

Wat Arun is one of the most iconic temples in Thailand, located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok. It features an impressive 79-meter-high spire decorated with colorful porcelain tiles and Chinese figures. The spire is a beautiful sight to behold, especially when illuminated at night.

The temple was built during the Ayutthaya period (1350–1767) and has been restored several times since then. Wat Arun was originally known as Wat Makok but changed its name after King Taksin captured it from Burmese invaders in 1768 and renamed it after his victory god, Aruna.

The main feature of Wat Arun is its central prang or tower which stands 79 meters high and dominates the skyline along the riverbank. This Khmer-style tower is decorated with thousands of pieces of colored glass and Chinese porcelain that were once used as ballast by boats coming to Bangkok from China centuries ago. There are four smaller towers around it representing Mount Meru, home to Hindu gods according to Buddhist cosmology. Inside these towers are shrines dedicated to various deities including Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and Ganesha who represent different aspects of Buddhism such as wisdom, strength and prosperity respectively.

Visitors can climb up all levels for a stunning view over Bangkok’s skyline from atop this majestic structure, though take extra care as there are no safety barriers. Climbing up takes about 20 minutes depending on your fitness level and you will be rewarded with breathtaking views over both sides of the riverbank stretching out into distant neighborhoods like Thonburi on one side while Chinatown looms large across from you on another side, making for some truly spectacular photo opportunities.

Getting here is easy; simply take any public boat heading downriver towards Nonthaburi province until you reach pier 8 where Wat Arun is located directly opposite Tha Tien market area near Chinatown’s Yaowarat Road district. If taking a taxi, make sure they know exactly where they are going to avoid being taken somewhere else entirely. Once inside, visitors can enjoy food stalls selling traditional Thai snacks like mango sticky rice or som tam papaya salad and souvenir shops offering everything from postcards to Buddha statues – don’t forget your wallet.

Wat Arun is an iconic temple in Thailand, known for its striking spires and intricate details. It’s a must-see destination when visiting the country, and it’s time to explore another of Thailand’s beautiful temples – Wat Rong Khun.

3. Wat Rong Khun, Chiang Rai

Temples In Thailand

Wat Rong Khun, also known as the White Temple, is a modern Buddhist temple located in the Chiang Rai province of Thailand. Designed by Thai artist Chalermchai Kositpipat in 1997, this temple stands out from its traditional counterparts with its white walls adorned with glass mosaics and statues of mythical creatures like dragons and demons.

The interior of Wat Rong Khun features paintings depicting scenes from Buddhist mythology. The main hall contains a large golden Buddha statue surrounded by intricate murals that tell stories about the life of Buddha and his teachings. Visitors can take part in meditation sessions or listen to lectures on Buddhism given by monks at the temple.

The grounds outside are equally impressive, featuring sculptures and artwork created by Chalermchai himself including depictions of Hindu gods such as Shiva and Vishnu alongside images of contemporary celebrities like Michael Jackson or Superman. There’s even an area dedicated to Hollywood films.

The most iconic feature of Wat Rong Khun is undoubtedly its bridge leading up to the entrance which symbolizes crossing over from materialism into spiritual enlightenment – visitors must walk across it before entering the temple grounds proper. Inside there are more symbols representing different aspects of Buddhism such as suffering (represented by hands reaching out for help) or death (represented by skulls).

Visitors should be aware that photography inside Wat Rong Khun is strictly prohibited due to religious reasons but they can still admire all these incredible works without taking pictures, something that will surely stay with them long after their visit has ended.

Wat Rong Khun is a beautiful and unique temple complex located in Chiang Rai, Thailand. It stands out with its white color and intricate designs, making it a must-see destination for anyone visiting the area. Now let’s explore another famous Thai temple – Doi Suthep.

4. Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai

Temples In Thailand

Doi Suthep is one of Thailand’s most important temples and a popular pilgrimage site for Buddhists from all over the world. Located near Chiang Mai, this temple complex sits atop a mountain overlooking the city and features golden stupas, ornate shrines, and lush gardens filled with flowers and trees.

The temple grounds are divided into two sections: the lower terrace which houses several smaller shrines; and the upper terrace where visitors can find Wat Phra That Doi Suthep – an ancient Buddhist monastery that dates back to 1383. The main attraction here is its iconic gold-plated chedi (stupa) which stands at 15 meters tall. Inside lies a relic of Lord Buddha himself, making it an incredibly sacred place for pilgrims who come to pay their respects.

One of the best ways to experience Doi Suthep is by taking part in a traditional wai khru ceremony – a ritual performed by monks every morning as they chant prayers while walking around the temple three times in a clockwise direction. Visitors can also take part in various activities such as meditation classes or yoga sessions held within the grounds of Wat Phra That Doi Suthep itself.

Apart from its spiritual significance, Doi Suthep also offers stunning views of Chiang Mai city below – especially during sunrise or sunset when you can witness breathtaking sunsets against rolling hillsides dotted with pagodas and monasteries alike. It is definitely worth spending some time here if you are looking for some peace and quiet away from bustling cities like Bangkok or Pattaya.

Doi Suthep is a stunning temple located on top of Doi Pui mountain and offers breathtaking views of the city. Next up we will be exploring Wat Pho, another iconic temple in Thailand.

5. Wat Pho, Bangkok

Temples In Thailand

Wat Pho is one of the oldest and most important temples in Thailand. Located in Bangkok, it was built by King Rama I as part of his palace complex in 1782. The temple grounds are filled with pavilions, ponds, and gardens that visitors can explore while admiring its many Buddha images.

The highlight of Wat Pho is the 46-meter-long reclining Buddha statue covered in gold leafs. It’s a breathtaking sight to behold and visitors can get up close to admire its intricate details such as the soles of its feet which are decorated with 108 auspicious scenes from Buddhist mythology.

Aside from exploring the grounds and admiring the statues, there are also plenty of activities for tourists to enjoy at Wat Pho such as traditional Thai massage treatments offered by certified masseuses or taking part in meditation classes taught by experienced monks. There’s even an onsite restaurant where you can sample delicious local dishes like Pad Thai or Som Tam (papaya salad).

For those who want to learn more about Buddhism and Thai culture, Wat Pho offers guided tours led by knowledgeable guides who will explain all about this ancient temple’s history and significance within Thailand’s spiritual landscape. Thus, if you’re looking for a unique experience that combines relaxation with education then make sure you add Wat Pho to your itinerary when visiting Bangkok.

FAQs in Relation to Temples in Thailand

What are the temples called in Thailand?

Thailand is home to many beautiful and historically significant temples, known as ‘wats’ in Thai. Some of the most famous include Wat Phra Kaew (the Temple of the Emerald Buddha) in Bangkok, Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn) in Bangkok, Wat Chiang Man in Chiang Mai, and Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha) also located in Bangkok. Other popular wats are located throughout Thailand including Wat Rong Khun near Chiang Rai, Wat Doi Suthep near Chiang Mai and Wat Mahathat Yuwarajarangsarit Rajaworamahavihara near Ayutthaya.

How many temples are there in Thailand?

There are over 40,000 temples in Thailand. These range from ancient ruins to modern structures and span the entire country. Many of these temples are Buddhist, but there are also Hindu, Chinese and other religious sites as well. Some of the most famous include Wat Phra Kaew (the Temple of Emerald Buddha) in Bangkok, Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn) in Bangkok, and Doi Suthep temple near Chiang Mai. All offer a unique experience for visitors to explore Thai culture and spirituality.

What is the biggest temple in Thailand?

The biggest temple in Thailand is Wat Phra Kaew, located within the grounds of the Grand Palace in Bangkok. It is also known as the Temple of Emerald Buddha and houses a revered emerald Buddha statue that dates back to 14th century Thailand. The temple complex covers an area of 218,400 square meters and includes several smaller temples, statues, pavilions and other structures. It is considered one of the most important religious sites in Thailand and draws millions of visitors each year from around the world.

What temples to see in Thailand?

Thailand is home to many beautiful and historically significant temples. The most famous are the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Wat Phra Kaew, Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn), and Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha). In Chiang Mai, visitors can explore the impressive Wat Chedi Luang temple complex. Other noteworthy temples include Doi Suthep Temple near Chiang Mai, Sukhothai Historical Park with its ancient ruins, and Ayutthaya’s historic temples such as Wat Mahathat. For those looking for a more spiritual experience, there are also numerous Buddhist meditation retreats throughout Thailand that offer courses on mindfulness and meditation techniques.


Visiting the temples in Thailand is a must-do for any traveler. From Wat Phra Kaew to Wat Rong Khun, each temple offers something unique and beautiful that will leave you with lasting memories of your trip. Whether it’s admiring the intricate architecture or taking part in traditional ceremonies, these temples are sure to make your visit to Thailand an unforgettable experience.

Come explore the beautiful temples of Thailand! From majestic Buddhist monuments to picturesque ancient ruins, there’s something for everyone. With our travel guide, you can discover all that this country has to offer and plan an unforgettable holiday experience with ease. We provide information on accommodations, activities and attractions so that you can make your trip a truly unique one – book now and start planning your dream vacation in Thailand today!

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For Flights:

  • Skyscanner is always our starting point when searching for domestic and international flights. See all the options in one place with easy options to book.

For Hotels:

  • is the most popular booking site for both tourists and locals here in Thailand. You can typically find the best deals here and accommodation is often much cheaper than the walk-in rate.
  • Agoda is another hugely popular option for finding accommodation in Thailand.

For Things to Do:

  • GetYourGuide has a wide range of activities, adventures and trips available for instant booking.

For Buses, Boats and Other Transfers:

  • 12Go is invaluable and gives up-to-date information on timetables and transfers, especially useful when travelling to the islands.

For Travel Insurance:

  • World Nomads is a long-trusted, very popular option.
  • Safety Wing is a popular choice for longer-term digital nomads with a very simple subscription model.
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